Strong Leaders Serve with Teri Schmidt

170. A short exercise to get you ready for 2025

Teri Schmidt

Are you someone who always has the best intentions of reflecting before starting a new year, but often gets stuck in the holiday/end-of-year busy-ness instead?

If so, this short season-finale episode with a simple challenge is for you.

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Teri Schmidt:

Welcome back to Strong Leaders Serve and to our last episode of 2024. For today, I'm going to keep it short, but in case you don't know me already, I'm Terri Schmidt, executive and leadership coach at Strong Leaders Serve, where we partner with compassionate, driven leaders and their teams to turn potential into performance. And this is the Strong Leader Serve podcast. So as promised, I'll keep it short today. I have one challenge for you today that you can complete in as little as 30 minutes. So if you're someone who always has the best intentions of doing some end of year reflection and new year planning, but it never seems to happen in the midst of the holiday busyness, this episode's for you. So here's your challenge. As you say goodbye to 2024. I challenge to ask yourself three questions. Number one, what is one thing in your leadership that you want to stop doing? Now, if you need help, check out episode 152, where I talk specifically about asking yourself this exact question and how it can benefit your day to day leadership. If what you need to stop doing involves delegation, check out episode 153 where we talked about being a DINO. D I N O. Or Delegator in Name Only. So that's the first question. What is one thing that you need to stop doing? The second question, what is one thing that you want to continue doing something that went well this year and really aligns with who you want to be as a compassionate driven leader? And then finally, you can probably guess the last question is what is one thing that in 2025 you want to start doing? Now, this could be very small, a daily habit, perhaps that you want to integrate into your leadership, or maybe it's something a little bit larger. a long term goal that you want to plan out the path for achieving. Now, if you need some inspiration for these three questions, here are some of my favorite episodes from this season. First, our most recent episode, episode 169, where we talked about the power of contemplative leadership, particularly if you're looking for something Where you can get away from the busyness of the holiday season and really take a deep look into who you want to be as a leader. I highly recommend this episode. Next, how to disagree respectfully. And we're not talking about how to agree to disagree. We talked on episode 154 with Justin Jones Fosu exactly about that, especially in our divided workplaces and divided communities. We talked about the power of disagreeing respectfully, and how you can do that effectively even in the most challenging of situations. Another one, episode 162, if you're looking for how to make work decisions faster as a team. We talked that episode with Jay Silver about the little changes that can lead to big gains both with regards to making team decisions and other practices at work that can lead to greater personal fulfillment and team achievement. Next, remember when we talked with Maria Ross about the empathy dilemma. That was on episode 161. We Doug into what to do when people on your team are in your workplace might be weaponizing empathy and how to both be compassionate and driven. And then finally, episode one 60 with Urs Koenig about humble leadership. If you are really looking for, as he says, how to be a badass leader and a good person, I highly recommend this episode. We talked about how integrating radical humility into your leadership actually makes Your workplace more efficient. So if you're looking for something that increases efficiency in your workplace, while also increasing leader and employee wellbeing, I highly recommend episode one 60. Of course, I loved all of the episodes this year, but those are some that I think would be particularly helpful as you're taking on this reflection challenge. Of. Thinking about what you want to stop doing in your leadership, what you want to continue doing in your leadership. And what you want to start doing in your leadership. So I hope this is helpful for you. I would love to hear what you come up with. So as always, please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and let me know. And I will see you again in early February for the launch of the next season of Strong Leaders Serve. Have a wonderful holiday season and happy new year.