Strong Leaders Serve with Teri Schmidt
The leadership podcast for people who are in leadership not for the status and power, but instead to use that status and power to turn potential into performance for positive change.
Hosted by Teri Schmidt, Leadership Coach & CEO of Strong Leaders Serve.
Each week we focus on supporting leaders who are dealing with the overwhelming realities of transitioning into and operating in roles where their success isn't just defined by their performance, but by the performance of their team.
Roles where they are responsible for building trust, promoting psychological safety, conflict management, taking care of their team member's wellbeing, motivating other humans, and managing up, all while trying to GET THINGS DONE.
Through solo episodes with focused and relevant leadership tips and inspirational interviews with seasoned leaders and experts, we help leaders get past their overwhelm to careers of courageous impact.
Listeners hone their skills in making their workplaces more compassionate and just through their leadership.
Strong Leaders Serve with Teri Schmidt
A leadership tip for your Thanksgiving meal (AND a chance to win a free, award-winning book!)
If you're in the US, Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for you!
We want to hear from you AND we'll reward you for it. Listen for the details and a tip to make this year's Thanksgiving dinner conversation go a little more smoothly.
Remember, send your email to teri@strongleadersserve.com with the subject line "Workplace Listening."
- Episode 137: The Most Important Collaboration Skill for Work & Life
- Oscar Trimboli's website
- Oscar's podcast: Deep Listening
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/teri-m-schmidt/
Get 1-on-1 leadership support from Teri here: https://www.strongleadersserve.com/coaching
Set up an intro call with Teri: https://calendly.com/terischmidt/discoverycall
Hey there. Welcome back to Strong Later Serve. If you are in the United States, happy Thanksgiving week to you. And we are not going to do our regular episode this week due to the holiday, but I did want to come on and tell you about something a little bit crazy and really exciting that happened. You may remember back in episode 137 that I did titled, The most important collaboration skill for work and life I mentioned author and workplace listening expert, Oscar Tromboli and his research. Well, just recently he reached out to me because he would like to come on strong leader, serve and have a conversation, but he really practices what he preaches. And because of that, he wants to listen to you. He wants to hear about what you want to dig into with regards to workplace listening. So is there something that you particularly struggle with or situations in which it's hard for you to listen? Or do you have questions about the research surrounding workplace listening? Or maybe you have a listening story where you were able to Really effectively use listening to transform a conversation. Regardless of what it is, Oscar has offered to provide us five free copies of his book, How to Listen. This is a great book, it's won many awards, and it can be yours for free. All that you have to do is send me an email At Terry at strong leaders, serve. com with your question or your story or whatever you would like Oscar and me to dig into. And the first five people to respond to this, to tell us what you would like us to talk about or share with regards to workplace listening. We will send you a complimentary copy of his book. So go get in your email now, send it again to terri at strongleaderserve. com with the subject line, workplace listening. I can't wait to hear from you. And remember, if you're a little bit concerned about some stressful conversations at your Thanksgiving dinner table this year, think about how you can focus on listening instead of talking. It's really incredible what an impact that can have on the tone of the whole conversation. Happy Thanksgiving and we'll, I'll be back next week with a full episode.