Strong Leaders Serve with Teri Schmidt
The leadership podcast for people who are in leadership not for the status and power, but instead to use that status and power to turn potential into performance for positive change.
Hosted by Teri Schmidt, Leadership Coach & CEO of Strong Leaders Serve.
Each week we focus on supporting leaders who are dealing with the overwhelming realities of transitioning into and operating in roles where their success isn't just defined by their performance, but by the performance of their team.
Roles where they are responsible for building trust, promoting psychological safety, conflict management, taking care of their team member's wellbeing, motivating other humans, and managing up, all while trying to GET THINGS DONE.
Through solo episodes with focused and relevant leadership tips and inspirational interviews with seasoned leaders and experts, we help leaders get past their overwhelm to careers of courageous impact.
Listeners hone their skills in making their workplaces more compassionate and just through their leadership.
Strong Leaders Serve with Teri Schmidt
156. The Courage to Learn & Lead with Brigadier General AnnMarie Anthony
What does it mean to you to be a courageous leader?
A model of courageous leadership in action, Brigadier General Anne Marie Anthony, director of the Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Center, US Strategic Command shares her story as evidence of the courage that it takes to learn and lead.
Courage to embrace one's own unique leadership style, courage to listen, and most notably, the courage to learn from those around you, even your critics.
Through AnneMarie's journey, we learned that becoming a strong leader isn't always about following the preconceived notions of what a leader should look like. But rather, about having the audacity to lead in one's unique manner, and earn the respect of those being led.
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/teri-m-schmidt/
Get 1-on-1 leadership support from Teri here: https://www.strongleadersserve.com/coaching
Set up an intro call with Teri: https://calendly.com/terischmidt/discoverycall